Friday, August 24, 2007

Working Out would be so much easier if....

I weren't so dang fat! lol

I've made through week two of working out. Today I feel really great, but will admit that rest of the week was a real struggle. I'm getting up at 6:30, going to the gym for 30-40 minutes, going home to get myself ready for work, and three kids ready for school. We are out the door at 7:50 so I can take them and the 2 neighbor kids to two different schools, and get on the road to work. I get here at 8:30, and then the real fun begins.

I WANT to enjoy this. I want the extra energy getting active provides. It is just soooooo hard to create this new habit, new lifestyle.

I have DRAGGED myself out of bed each day this week.

When does it get easier?

As they say in AA, one day at a time. Keep on keeping on. 11 years ago I completely changed my life... one day at a time. The only way out is through. Keep it Simple Stupid. Yes, I can see how this is similar.

And as much as I don't want to "diet" (hate that 4-letter word), I do need to provide my body with the foods that will give me the energy to workout. I feel better today cause after working out I cooked a egg and some whole grain toast. Need to get my vitamins pumping too. Think I will go online and order my protien shakes I used to like so much.

Ok, I can do this. Week two was a success. Keep on keeping on!!! And I am so happy to see some of my fellow bloggin-widows have decided to join me in my quest to get moving! How's it going, girls? I hope it is going well. We're in this together!


b said...

Hey there! Thanks for the comment on my blog. I have lost 23 pounds so far, but I have to be totally honest and tell you that I credit my weight loss to time. I had the summer off with my kids at day camp. I dropped them off at the same place where I worked out. I had the luxury to stay at the gym for 2 hours a day, and time to go to weight watchers meetings.

Schho starts up again in two weeks, and I am terrified about losing that free time that I was able to dedicate to myself.

I don't mean for this to deter you. You are on the right track and can totally make it work. I just wanted to let you know that I understand how hard it can be when real life gets in the way.

some helpful hints I can share:
Pack your purse with low calorie snacks, including one 100 calorie snack bag for cravings.

Take water with you everywhere you go.

Have one night a week that you eat whatever the heck you want.

Find a class at the gym that you love. I have been waking up at 5:15 am this week, to make it to a 5L45 spinning class, to be home before T leaves for work. It sucks waking up that early, but I love the class and it burns 800 calories in one hour!

You can do it!!!!

(Sorry for the long post)


Anonymous said...

It can take a while to form the exercise habit to the point where you will feel worse when you skip than actually go. Just make sure that at least some of what you do is something you like to do. If you dislike everything in your routine, it will take longer. My fave thing is running. Everything else is either boring or torture, but I make myself do it for the chance to run.

Anonymous said...

Trish, I am a very early riser...Except for sundays, i am always up between 5:00 am and 5:30 am.

Now, saying's remnants of the farmlife we had...and i have tried everything to be able to sleep in...but around 5 am...i am wide awake.

So, it is habit forming...Give it time and your will not drag your ass out of bed every morning.
