Monday, May 7, 2007

In his arms

Ever taken one of those internet surveys? You know the ones that your friends forward around asking what your favorite color is, what flavor ice cream you like, what color shoes you are wearing. I suppose you will find it odd that I never quite know how to answer those questions. I like lots of things, and I am fairly easy to please. Well, one of the questions often is what is your favorite feature on a man. That is one of those questions that has always left me confused. I like eyes, I like a good butt... hmmm... but what is it that reallllllly gets me?
Yesterday I figured it out. It is his arms. I love the feeling of a man holding me in his arms. I love the security it represents. This hit me at the strangest moment. We were sitting in church, and he wrapped his arm in mine. And tears fell from my eyes. At this moment, it felt like God came down and said, "Trish, I know all these years you have had to trust by faith that I held you in my arms. Today, I want you to feel my arms around you." Yes, after five years of feeling alone in marriage, and almost five years of feeling alone in widowhood, today, I am no longer alone. In just twenty days, I will be half of a "we" again. I am so grateful for the decade of feeling alone, for that has allowed me to truly appreciate what I have been given. Thank you God.

1 comment:

Alicia said...


I know exactly what you mean.


I am so very happy for you.
