Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Get Moving

That's my motto for 2007.

I'm moving. I'm changing. It is slower than I 'd like, but I am still going to do it.

Week four is going well. I took this morning off to stay in bed and cuddle with my hunny, but I will hit the gym tonight while my son is at Soccer Practice. You would be so proud of me... I went out of town this weekend, and stayed at my mom's house on Friday night. I woke up Saturday morning at 6am, used her weights, and then walked 2 miles... all before I had to be on the road again at 8. Woo Hoo!!! Yeah me!!!

I'm not going to worry about scales and pant sizes. Not now. It will take time. I'm just going to keep making better choices... choosing to get up and move instead of stay in bed and sleep. Choices to eat something lean and healthy instead of something fast and fattening. I ate a McDonald's cheesburger on Monday and it tasted sooooo disgusting. Yes, fast food is losing it's appeal to me. I think the fast food industry is criminal, the way they market to us and our children. It was my choice to eat that crap over the past five years, cause it was quick and easy, and my life was stressful. Now I am saying NO. No More. It doesn't take that much effort to grill a chicken breast and steam some veggies. And it tastes so much better.

Thanks to all of you for your support. It means so much to me. And Anja, there is plenty of flubber on this 5 ft. body... but soon to be less. lol! Hope you are enjoying Holland and your family.

Linda, keep pumping the water. And the Drumsticks are probably freezer-burnt and will taste like cr&p! Toss em!!! Love you madly, dear!

I am seriously thinking about trying Alli, as I have been doing quite well at limiting my fat and calorie intake... wonder if it works.... ah, I'm too cheap. Think I'll keep doing it the natural way.

Off to work... thanks for reading

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...Hi Trish..I hope the weightloss is going well..

But you know, we have had kids....we will never be the superflatstomachy women we once were!

I think persona/outlook on life/being happy shows in the way we look...

Get some cute clothes, easy good quality make substance abuse..and you look great!

Good luck.